
“Hip”-est social commentary since The Daily Show.

— Donald Tromp

People dismiss WOCL as “Obscure Reference Theater.”  Well, I can see why they might say that if they hadn’t had a new idea in 30 years…or didn’t enjoy puppies…or were too lazy to look up things.  Heck, I learn something new every decade—sometimes even from this show!

To my fellow oldsters—check this out!  I’d swear these kids were channeling Fred Allen!  Or was that Steve Allen?  Woody Allen?  Allan Havey?

— George “Get Off My Lawn” Hughes


You gotta check out this out.  “Culture Lag” made me laugh and made me cry—or was that when my laptop burned my lap?

— SurfrDud

Where is the “next great thing” that will change society?  Well, this is statistically a candidate.

— [anonymous]

I liked it. I really liked it.

— Mr. Fields